The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission

The Dirty Dozen The Fatal Mission is 1988 madeforTV film and is the third sequel to the original The Dirty Dozen. It features an allnew dirty dozen, with the exception of the returning Joe Stern, under the leadership of Major Wright performed by Telly Savalas in his final film appearance.

The film opens with Major Wright leading a group of commandos in Nazioccupied Denmark. The group is on their way to meet up with a good German, Naval Captain Carl Ludwig. As Ludwig appears through the fog to Major Wright and his men, they are glad to see hes alone, however, he is actually being followed by a German patrol. Realizing that they cannot allow Ludwig to be captured alive, the commandos spring into action. Ludwig is shot by the patrol, as Major Wright and his commandos arrive and kill them. Before he succumbs to his wounds, Ludwig utters the phrase, vierundzwanzig, zwanzig 2420, which Major Wright does not understand.Back in England, Major Wright, General Worden Ernest Borgnine, Lieutenant Carol Campbell Heather Thomas and a British Colonel are driving along when they happen upon two American GIs brawling outside a pub. Major Wright has the two men, Fred Collins and Tom Ricketts, arrested, because they might come in handy on the next mission. ........

Source: Wikipedia